The definitive resource book for all Junior cert higher level maths students.All Questions and solutions from 2011 to 2019 .
The only solution book which has all the Project maths questions and solutions in one volume. Clear, easy to understand solutions for Junior cert Higher level maths students. The solutions book is A4 format,wire bound so that it opens flat . -
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Please note we are currently out of stock until January 2025. Includes 2014-2023 actual Papers and Solutions by topic.The definitive resource book for all leaving cert Higher level maths students.
The only solution book which has all the Project maths questions and solutions in one volume. Clear, easy to understand solutions for Leaving Cert Higher Level maths. -
Over 500 A4 pages wire bound book opens flat .Question on Left hand page solution on the right.
Includes actual exam papers and solutions from 2010 to 2020.The definitive resource book for all leaving cert Ordinary level maths students.
The only solution book which has all the Project maths questions and solutions in one volume. Clear, easy to understand solutions for Leaving Cert Ordinary Level maths.